Focuses on several methods for critically researching visuals and applies these methods to examine and discuss several kinds of visuals, including photography, film/television, advertisements, arts, and urban spaces. Examines the intersection of law, policy, and new (or relatively new) information and communication technologies. Family Communication. Topics include techniques for undertaking market analysis, marketing strategy (segmentation and positioning), and marketing implementation (4 Ps). Introduces the fundamental techniques of quantitative data analysis and visualization in the marketing context. Introduces the process of planning, preparing, producing, and evaluating studio productions. Offers a special topics course in communication studies. Requires students to make a formal report to the organization and to write a paper reflecting on the organization and its mission in the context of broader social, political, and economic issues.
Northeastern University hiring Assistant Director, Digital Marketing COMM3500. (1-4 Hours). (4 Hours). Communication Research Methods. Brand managers in technology, consumer packaged goods (CPG), and service organizations shape the trajectories of global brands and products. Opens New Window. Prerequisite(s): ACCT1201 with a minimum grade of D- or ACCT1202 with a minimum grade of D- or ACCT1209 with a minimum grade of D-, MKTG2209.
Northeastern Illinois University at crossroads after board ousts its Introduces students to the College of Arts, Media and Design. MKTG6222. (4 Hours). (4 Hours). Considers how competing communication perspectives can be contrasted, compared, and/or synthesized for a stronger literacy related to sex, sexuality, and sexual identities in an effort to procure an understanding of how communication research and theory can be utilized in academic, personal, and professional settings. Rhetoric and Propaganda. Dating apps are more specific and numerous than ever.
Associate Director - Marketing & Communications Job in Boston, MA at Through this immersion, our students, faculty, and partners derive new insights and ideas that lead to richer learning, greater cross-cultural appreciation, and actionable solutions. (3 Hours). 'Theory' is used in the holistic sense as the interested observation and careful scrutiny of an object. As representations of the past are used as instruments of power, it is important to study the roles of various communicative practices in constructing, negotiating, and revising public memories. Mr. Brock's recent experiences include the creation of digital marketing strategies for over 50 state and private universities at Academic Partnerships, LLC, an online program manager, and the re-imagining of extension studies at San Diego State University Global Campus. Surveys the communication process in complex organizations. MKTG6218. MKTG6318. COMM1450. Through Northeastern University's Graduate Certificate in Marketing, you will have the opportunity to gain the core knowledge and skills necessary to carry out essential marketing functionsfrom branding new products to advertising services and exploring new consumer audiences. The course objective is not to seek solutions to problems of memory but to develop enabling questions that guide research. Health Communication Campaigns. Boston, MA. Also studies the impact of mass communication on the outcome of elections. Designed to stimulate the moral imagination, reveal ethical issues inherent in communication, and provide resources for making and defending choices on ethical grounds. Offers students an opportunity to learn how to distinguish between an incident and crisis; to analyze communication practices and methods applied during a crisis; to apply social scientific theory to explain how and why a crisis occurred; and to draw upon theory to develop effective crisis communication plans. . Offers students an opportunity to learn how to implement such approaches in practice. The marketing concentration is available to students taking the BSBA or BSIB degree within the DAmore-McKim School of Business and in most DAmore-McKim combined majors . Engages the question and practice of what it means to develop and maintain a successful online community.
Northeastern University Marketing Manager, College Success Job in Marketing | Employer Engagement and Career Design Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, Embedded Systems, Quality-of-Service for Multimedia Networking, Computer Networks Management and Design. Public Relations Principles. The Department of Chemical Engineering at Northeastern University is seeking a motivated and energetic person as the Marketing, Communications and Events Coordinator. May be repeated without limit. Focuses on active skill building and tool development in a practice-oriented approach that is quickly and directly applicable to students future careers. Materials covered range from the philosophy of freedom to historical legal cases about free speech and the press to political correctness and the repression of dissent. Incorporating the case method, research into the latest communication trends, interactive learning formats, and experiential learning opportunities, this program addresses complex communication challengesproviding students with a distinct advantage in today's competitive marketplace. Data Storytelling, Visualization, and Communication. Subject matter includes patient-provider communication, organizational systems, advertising in the health industry, and the role of media in the formation of expectations about health and the use of media to promote social change. This combined major seeks to prepare students for career opportunities in growing industry markets such as public relations, marketing communications, and digital media. The Digital Repository Service is a secure repository system, designed to store and share scholarly, administrative, and archival materials from the Northeastern University community. (4 Hours). (3 Hours). Offers an overview of the concepts, methods, tools, and ethics of communication research. 617.373.5445 [email protected] Thomas Michael. Sport and Spectacle. COMM2912. Seeks to take the UDHR articles as a starting point to help students to creatively develop their own critical stance to aspects of the human rights declaration that might be problematic or missing. Northeastern University 360 Huntington Avenue Boston, MA 02115 617-373-3323 Email: Office of the Dean Email: Marketing and . Gaining Customer Insight. (4 Hours). Considers aspects of talk, such as turn taking, sequence organization, and repair for handling breakdowns, in speaking or understanding. In addition to assuring the delivery of a top-notch learning experience for students, he teaches . (4 Hours). Topics include the process of advocacy, how to develop an argument through reasoning, the psychology of argument, and motivational techniques of argumentation. Studies the ways in which communication can influence (and possibly resolve) turmoil in close relationships. Professor of music and media and screen studies Murray Forman remembers when he first became hip-hop identified, hearing the opening lyrics of Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Fives The For the many Taylor Swift fans who tried to secure tickets to her Eras tour, the process was grueling. Studies one of the key techniques of the fascist movements of the 20th century, rhetoric, in all of its facets: from propaganda leaflets, organized rallies, and prepared speeches, to objects of visual and multimodal rhetoric. Offers students an opportunity to learn how these processes inform the development of effective risk-communication strategies, including institutional risk assessment, stakeholder participation, and formal messaging.
Contact - Northeastern University External Affairs Uses case studies and exercises to offer a broad overview of creative marketing applications across multiple industries and touchpoints. | MKTG6280. Offers an opportunity to conduct introductory-level research or creative endeavors under faculty supervision. |
Academic Programs at D'Amore-McKim School of Business (4 Hours). Uses lectures, case discussions, team and individual exercises, and a project on creating a value-driven AI strategy to offer students an opportunity to begin to develop intuition behind modern AI technologies. The PDF will include all information unique to this page.
University Marketing & Communications Special Effects and Postproduction for Television. Introduces students to the multifaceted responsibilities of a brand manager, including understanding market trends and the competitive landscape; developing the brand story; conducting and analyzing consumer research to identify brand opportunities; creating and maintaining a brand budget; establishing and implementing cross-platform brand communication strategy; measuring brand performance; and executing marketing and advertising campaigns.
College Leadership | Northeastern University College of Professional MKTG4510. (4 Hours). COMM4970. Group Communication. As part of the course, students are expected to prepare a detailed plan of study and are introduced to the co-op program and meet their academic co-op advisor. Organizational Communication. Students participate in formal research training; attend weekly meetings with the faculty leads for the course; present their research; and submit a research paper at the end of the semester. 2022-2023 Northeastern University COMM2534. (4 Hours). Finally, introduces and analyzes the role of prosocial marketing, how marketing can influence peoples behavior for advancing a socially desirable change. MKTG4720. Students are given an historical perspective and a state-of-the-art analysis. Offers students an opportunity to visit the key sites of human rights and ethical reasoning and to learn how minorities continue to fight for justice and recognition (Heidelberg), how human rights violations of states against individuals are fought in court and through diplomacy (Strasbourg), and how the Geneva Conventions are continuously challenged through actions in war and rhetoric at home (Geneva). Focuses on communication within the context of close relationships. Communication in a Digital Age. Explores both theories of conflict and potential strategies for more effectively managing conflict in a variety of contexts, that is, interpersonal relationships, organizational settings, and broader societal contexts. (4 Hours). Theories of Conflict and Negotiation. Applies network theories, data collection methods, and visual-analytic analyses to map, measure, understand, and influence a wide range of online and offline social phenomena, including friendships and romantic relationships, professional networks, social media, social influence and marketing, diffusion and viral media, recommender systems, and collective action. (4 Hours). MKTG6320. Explores the relationships between communication, social identity, and social inclusion. MKTG6286. Designed to prepare communication professionals who appreciate the need for responsible advocacy when responding to crises. (4 Hours). Encourages students to share and translate their findings for relevant academic and professional communities. COMM1000. Offers students an opportunity to design, conduct, and write their own original empirical research paper relating to sexualities and communication using class content as a theoretical framework. Marketing Technology Management. 617.373.2027 [email protected] Julie Newmeyer. Considers how the theories and techniques of argumentation can be used to understand and promote differing points of view, explore ideas and alternatives, and convince others of the need to change or act. Emergency Information Considers a wide range of cultural practices, texts, and artifacts, including popular culture (television shows, movies, and video games); social media and online content; as well as organizational communication (press releases) and interpersonal interactions (conversations between romantic partners). It. Includes location scouting, production budgets, writing techniques, equipment location, postproduction editing, and content analysis. Jennifer Zehnder | Director of Communications and Marketing.
Marketing - D'Amore-McKim School of Business (1-4 Hours). Offers students an opportunity to apply what they learn in the course to their personal and professional lives. Considers various approaches for establishing fair and appropriate regulations and policies to mitigate such issues. Offers students an opportunity to deepen their abilities to think critically about texts in a variety of forms such as orations, advertisements, music, and art. COMM2300. (4 Hours). Critiques historical and current examples of the intersection of sport and politics and applies relevant communication theory in written reviews of these events, how those events were covered by the media, and their societal impact domestically and globally. Junior/Senior Honors Project 1. Introduces students to the landscape of mobile communication technologies. Investigates the role of the producer in the production of content for traditional and new media venues. (4 Hours). Offers advanced training in video production techniques, allowing students an opportunity to develop a deeper theoretical understanding of cohesive marketing strategies. In the digital domain, our faculty seek to answer questions such as how digital products, social media, and online environments impact purchase, consumption, and product innovation; how consumers and firms respond to new digital technologies, digital communications and digital business models; how marketing actions affect online consumer behavior and lift company performance; and what drives marketing effectiveness and customer engagement. The Office of Marketing and Communications enhances and protects the University's institutional reputation, advances and strengthens Northeastern's brand, employs effective communication design to enhance operations and encourage University engagement, and reinforces the University's relevance in the lives of key target audiences. Examines strategies for identifying, selecting, and deploying marketing technologies in organizations and communicating with information technology colleagues and vendors. Situates these forms as central to the production of official discourses of citizenship, belonging, and nationalism, as well as the construction of identities.
Enrollment Marketing and Communications - DRS Crisis Communication and Image Management. Offers students an opportunity to utilize cutting-edge technology and to apply state-of-the-art techniques to design and produce innovative special effects. Seeks to prepare students for careers that utilize consumer insights to inform managerial decisions. Examines how meanings of youth and communication technology shift in relation to one another and to broader changes in society, culture, politics, and the economy over time. Internship in Communication. (4 Hours). Explains the process of generating feasible, interesting, and managerially relevant research ideas. (4 Hours). At Northeastern University's College of Engineering, multidisciplinary and experiential learning options expand your window of knowledge, fuel innovation, and enable you to create an educational journey that meets your goals. Introduces the process of planning, preparing, producing, and evaluating audio production styles and techniques. Consumers are at the center of the business value creation process; therefore, an understanding of consumer thoughts, feelings, and actions is critical for business success. Emphasizes the role and place of the media in a democratic system devoted to the proposition that the government should be responsive to the "will of the people." Examines how young people differ individually across the life span as well as collectively by class, race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexuality, and disability. Focuses on the marketing research process and the analysis of data using software applications. Since talk is a locus of sociality and a site for examining language in use, offers students an opportunity to learn how to make discoveries about the orderliness of social life. 617.373.2000 After a nationwide search, Northeastern Illinois University has named Christopher Childers as its new Executive Director of Marketing and Communications. Engaging Customers and Markets. (3 Hours). Provides students with an opportunity to better understand freedom and limits to freedom, particularly in the realm of speech and expression. Integrates students experiences in cooperative education with classroom concepts and theories. Covers both the business and the technical aspects of being a voice talent. COMM3309. (4 Hours). Topics covered include the role of communication in interpersonal attraction, relationship development, relationship maintenance, and relationship dissolution. (4 Hours). COMM3311. Drawing on examples from domestic and international sports promotional campaigns and academic literature, explores the promotion of sports at the professional, collegiate, and special event level. Intended for students interested in a sales career as well as future product managers who must rely on the sales force to introduce new products and promotions. (4 Hours). Content is adapted by the faculty depending on the location of the class. Includes interactive lectures, learn-by-doing exercises, role-playing, guest speakers, and training sessions. Opens New Window. Requires a final paper at the end of the term in which students articulate and defend positions about youth and communication technology. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management: Gloria Barczak, Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Research in Marketing: Koen Pauwels, Senior Editor, Journal of Business Research: Paul Fombelle, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Interactive Marketing: Yakov Bart, Editorial Board Member; Koen Pauwels, Editorial Board Member; Fareena Sultan, Editorial Board Member, Journal of International Marketing: Amir Grinstein, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Marketing: Koen Pauwels, Associate Editor; Amir Grinstein, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Marketing Analytics: Fareena Sultan, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice: Jay Mulki, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management: Felicia Lassk, Editorial Board Member; Jay Mulki, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Product Innovation Management: Gloria Barczak, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Retailing: Koen Pauwels, Editorial Board Member, Marketing Education Review: Felicia Lassk, Editorial Board Member, Psychology & Marketing: Jay Mulki, Editorial Board Member, Yakov Bart: 2018 DMSB Ronald Copeland Best Paper Award Finalist, Yakov Bart: 2017 Recognized as one of the 40 Best Undergraduate Business Professors by Poets & Quants, Yakov Bart: 2017 Research Award from the Center for Emerging Markets at D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Yakov Bart: 2017 Journal of Interactive Marketing Best Paper Award, Yakov Bart: 2017 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grant, Northeastern University, Yakov Bart: 2016 Knowledge Exchange Program Award, NSF Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub, Yakov Bart: 2015 and 2016 Research Grant Recipient, Marketing Science Institute, Paul Fombelle: 2017 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants, Northeastern University, Amir Grinstein: 2016 Research Grant Recipient, Marketing Science Institute, Jay Mulki: 2017 Research Award from the Center for Emerging Markets at D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Koen Pauwels: 2018 Winner of Gary L. Lilien ISMS-MSI Practice Prize, Marketing Science conference, Koen Pauwels: Top 100 Inspirational Alumnus, UCLA, Koen Pauwels: 2017 Davidson Best Paper Award, Journal of Retailing, Koen Pauwels: 2017 Research Award from the Center for Emerging Markets at D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Koen Pauwels: Named D'Amore-McKim School of Business Distinguished Professor of Marketing, Mary Steffel: 2018 Recognized as one of the 50 Top Undergraduate Business Professors by Poets & Quants, Mary Steffel: 2016 DMSB Ronald Copeland Best Paper Award Finalist, Fareena Sultan: 2017 Journal of Consumer Marketing Best Paper Award, Fareena Sultan: 2016 Research Grant Recipient, Marketing Science Institute, Jennifer Yule: 2018 DMSB Teacher of the Year Award Winner (peer nominated award), Jennifer Yule: 2016 DMSB Best Teacher of the Year Award Finalist (student nominated award), Yakov Bart: Named Joseph G. Riesman Research Professor and Thomas E. Moore Faculty Fellow, Paul Fombelle: Named Thomas E. Moore Faculty Fellow, Amir Grinstein: Named Patrick F. & Helen C. Walsh Research Professor and Thomas E. Moore Faculty Fellow. Offers students an opportunity to better understand our society and enhance an ethical mind-set, while highlighting the ways marketers can contribute to societal well-being. (2 Hours). Further information about the Independent Studies Program can be obtained from concentration coordinators. COMM2451. The Politeness BiasShun-Yang Lee, Rui, H., Whinston, A.MIS Quarterly2019, Joint Impact of Ethical Climate and External Work Locus of Control on Job MeaningfulnessJay Mulki, Felicia LasskJournal of Business Research2019, Social Media's Impact on the Consumer Mindset: When to Use Which Sentiment Extraction Tool?Koen PauwelsJournal of Interactive Marketing2019, The Impact of Adding Online-to-Offline Channels on Firm's Offline and Total RevenuesKoen PauwelsJournal of Interactive Marketing2019, Big and lean is beautiful: A conceptual framework for data-based learning in marketing managementKoen PauwelsReview of Marketing Research2019, The Cannabis Industry: A Natural Laboratory for Marketing Strategy ResearchOlsen, M., Keith SmithMarketing Letters2019, Does Changing Defaults Save Lives? New Product Development. Focuses on the environment and the modifications of marketing concepts and practices necessitated by environmental differences. (4 Hours). Marketing Analytics. . Offers students sound introduction to the psychological and behavioral theories of entertainment media with the goal of implementing these theories to the future design and evaluation of games for change. | Examines the key drivers and building blocks of digital business transformations underlying the best marketing practices of the platform economy.