bill wilson outlaw

B. Wilmeth. Here is the quote of the day. Even when alone, Bill Wilson claimed to have three friends with him, his best horse and two six shooters. The Adventures of Bill Longley, Galveston Daily News, Nacogdoches (Texas), September 16, 1877, Sifakis, Carl. William Wilson - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Like the books protagonist, the author of the book had his own notorious personal history. He rode with both Quantrill and General Joe Shelby. ?-1886) The leader of the Archer Brothers Gang, who terrorized Indiana in the mid-1880s, he and three of his brothers were hanged when they were finally caught. But his family was rousted from their house and their homestead burned to the ground by Union soldiers. The Real Josey Wales - Frontier The bill passed 48-0. Dewey was a communist, failed teacher who pushed what are now clearly failed education theories. It is unknown how many he killed on this raid, but it was said to be his highest number yet. The Bushwhacker said, You are looking at him.. William Walker (18? They just couldnt catch Bill Wilson. On another occasion, Bill was working with Bushwhacker Tom Brown. When Simp Dixon left North Texas, a Missouri Partisan Ranger, Sam Stone, let him set up an ambush in Stones woodlot to kill Judge Hardin Hart. Bill Wilson was immediately regarded as a suspect. The one used in the movie was that of Bill Doolin, killed many years later. Later, about 1869, he was selling a wagon load of apples in McKinney, Texas, when two ex-Missouri Qauntrill Raidershis old comrades!spied him. He briefly found work on a cotton farm, but he was forced to run again in November 1875, after murdering a hunting buddy named George Thomas with whom he had had a fistfight. When the men who have been hunting Wales, finally think they have found him in a bar in Santa Rio, a prostitute and other locals cover for the outlaw, saying that Wales was killed in a shoot-out in Monterrey. All five pulled their revolvers and Bill killed the other four. "Curly Bill" Brocious (1845-1882) - An outlaw leader of the Clanton Gang of Arizona, Curly Bill was a vicious, drunken gunman, cattle rustler, and murderer. Dewey was a communist, failed teacher who pushed what are now clearly failed education theories. Kinch West Outlaw member of the Tom Story Gang of Oklahoma. He was killed by a posse led by Juan Patron near Fort Sumner, New Mexico Territory on October 10, 1878. Bill Wilson maintained a neutral stance until his wife and children were brutalized by renegade Union soldiers on his farm on Corn Creek near Edgar Springs, Missouri. Photo of Billy the Kid playing cards with his gang set to fetch $1m During the shootout, deputy sheriff Jimmy Carlyle was killed and their pursuers burned the hideout in frustration following their escape. John Watts A cattle rustler who was killed by the militia in New Mexico in March 1883. Bill Wilson became, The Bushwhacker.. "Mr. Afterward, he worked as a U.S. customs inspector before becoming the Terrell County Sheriff in 1905. However, the outlaw was able to cut himself down from the hangmans noose and escape. The writings and movie about Josie Wales are based on the real bushwhacker, Bill Wilson. In the summer of that year, Mason County Sheriff, J. J. Finney, arrested Longley for murder and took him to Austin to collect a reward. Harris Austin (18? Contemporaries have passed on, retired or simply faded away, but although Henry Paul turns 71 in August the last remaining original member of the Outlaws remains fiercely committed to keeping southern rock alive. Starting a ranch in Uvalde County, Texas, he eventually married and had two children. But his family. For more information go to: From February to May 1880, Anderson stole horses from the Mescalero Apache reservation as well as cattle from ranchers on the Colorado River to whom they sold for $10 a head to White Oaks businessman Thomas Cooper. Hearing of this, Bill immediately set up in a rock shed next to the road close to the Deem home. Serving as sheriff of Terrell County, Anderson was eventually ambushed and killed by cowboy Ed Valentine when he responded to a call at a local saloon in Sanderson. Anthony Wright was the son of former Presiding Justice Lewis F. Wright. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 US License, Growing Pains of the Republic (1801 1856), Depression, New Deal and Beyond (1932 1945), Beyond Victory and Toward a New Frontier (1946 1962), The Decline and Fall of the American Empire (1963 to). He shaved his long beard to change his appearance. Due to his love for turkey hunting, they slipped as close to the Bushwhackers camp as they dared and started making turkey sounds. [1] He received an average education for the time. Josey Wales was based on a real man and one that was reputedly as tough, violent and vengeful as Wales. This surprised attack was all the edge he needed. Then one of his descendants, George Clinton Arthur, wrote a biography about Wilson in 1938: Bushwacker: Missouris Most Infamous Desperado., It would be another 30 years before another book would be written about Bill Wilson and this one would lead to the famous movie. Bill was never without at least two forty-four caliber six shooters. Charles G. Walrath After shooting and killing William Shook, Walrath was hanged. In 1958, he quit the Klan group he had founded after shooting two members over finances. Bloody Bill Longley, Henington Publishing Company, 1996. Both were hanged at 1:00 p.m. on March 26, 1869 in Sherman, Texas. Billy Wilson (fuorilegge) - Billy Wilson (outlaw) - Archie Wolfe An outlaw in the Cherokee Nation of Indian Territory, Wolfe was a friend of ned Christie. Billy Wilson (outlaw) - Billy Wilson (outlaw) - Despite its ignoble origin, the film was a great commercial and artistic success and has become a cult classic. But, unlike the movie, the real man did not have as his driving force a vengeance for losing his family to murder by Union soldiers. His nimble fingers were not only quick on the fiddle, however. But, in the summer of 1861, just after the War had started, some horses were stolen from the Union government in the area by a Confederate guerilla gang. Joe Asque (18??-1877?) Pete Whitehead An Oklahoma murderer, Whitehead killed Jack Bullard and a deputy in Roger Mills County, Oklahoma. On another occasion, Bill was working with Bushwhacker Tom Brown. His unit was stationed at Camp Stambaugh. Actually, Simp wasnt killed until one year after both Bob Lee and Bill Wilson were killed. During his time as sheriff, he was accused of corruption and selling whiskey to the Native Americans. Afterward, he disappeared into history. His wife did re-marry, but soon moved back to the home that Bill bought just before going to Texas. When he grew up, he worked as a cowboy before moving to White Oaks, New Mexico, and buying a livery stable in 1880. After the Civil War, many of the men who had become accustomed to violence and often having lost their lands or fortunes turned quickly to the other side of the law. Killing Yankees had a side benefit: Bill confiscated their Army mounts and supplied the Quantrill Raiders with mounts for their many raids. The one big surprise came towards the end of the movie when Jim Crow Chiles told the two police officers who were on the great outlaw roundup, that Josies name was Mr. Excerpts of those notes are included in Susan Cheever's biography of Wilson, My Name is Bill. Bill always talked about telling Tom not to try that due to there being too many, but it may have been that Tom didnt have enough horse or that his horse had already taken bullets. Ernest Anthony Outlaw horse thief Anthony was jailed in Springer, New Mexico in March 1885, was pardoned, then captured again twice more, escaping both times. However, the walking prisoners overpowered their guard and the driver, killing them both and wounding another. He shaved his long beard to change his appearance. Jesus Avott(a) Convicted of horse theft in October 1889, Avott was sentenced to a year in the Arizona Territorial Prison in Yuma. Dan Wallace, aka: Texas Dan Texas outlaw Wallace was captured after robbing and killing a rancher near San Antonio in the late 1880s. Story of the Outlaw Study of the Western Desperado. Under increasing pressure from law enforcement, Longley fled from place to place and used several aliases to avoid arrest. On June 22, 1870, Longley enlisted for a five-year commitment in the army, joining Company B of the U.S. 2nd Cavalry Regiment. Fred lost and got 20 years in San Quentin. Ginger marked it as to-read Jan 25, 2022. new topic. Even though the author grew up in Phelps County, he never found out that these bushwhackers were associated with Partisan Rangers under Colonel William Clarke Quantrill. He was hanged at Fort Smith, Arkansas on August 30, 1889. When the soldiers arrived, they asked him if he had seen Bill Wilson. They just couldnt catch Bill Wilson. Josie Wales, aka Bushwhacker Bill Wilson - North Texas e-News Longley is a major character in The Pistoleer, a novel by James Carlos Blake (Berkley Books, NY, 1995). In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Later, Carter ran unsuccessfully for lieutenant. John Joshua (J.J.) Webb (1847-1882) Both a lawman and an outlaw, Webb served as a Dodge City, Kansas Deputy Marshal before moving on to Las Vegas, New Mexico. ~ The Movie ~ Bill Applegate Applegate led a gang of rustlers in New Mexico during the 1870s. He started calling. He was held for four months and then released to return to his unit. Thomas Archer (18? ?-1875) A member of the Mes Gang, which competed with the John Kinney Gang in New Mexico. Reporting what had happened, Avott was pardoned by Governor Lewis Wolfley and did no time in prison. Joe Walker (1850-1898) An outlaw, Walker rustled cattle with various Utah outlaws before he joined with Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch and began to rob banks. Grant Wheeler (18? Thinking it was a turkey answering them, the soldiers were drawn in. There was an outlaw named Billy Wilson aka Dave Anderson that ran with the Kid. Dick Kitchen moved to Evening Shade, Arkansas and ran a harness shop. He hid and watched the trail. A posse shot him to death in May 1898 at Thompson, Utah. He and several others, including the Apache Kid, were to be transported by stagecoach from Globe to Casa Grande before being put on a train to Yuma. ?-1876) Sinker Wilson murdered a sheep drover named Datus Cowan in 1867. He rode with both Quantrill and General Joe Shelby. Following the siege at Stinking Springs (near present-day Taiban, New Mexico), he was arrested with the rest of Billy the Kid's gang after surrendering to Pat Garrett and convicted in December 1880. He deserted again in May 1872. William Brazelton. Sheriff Anderson was well liked by the public, and was buried in Brackettville, Texas, after a very emotional funeral at which many Sanderson citizens were in attendance. Neither Client Eastwood or his partner knew the authors real identity as a rabid segregationist and would not for some years. After confirming the location of Longley's grave site, an exhumation of the human remains was performed in 2000. Apache Kid (1867-1894?) He sold a wagon load of apples in McKinney, Texas and was paid in greenbacks. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Box 579 He again led away government horses. Thirteen years later, they were finally arrested, convicted, and hanged at Fort Smith, Arkansas, on June 26, 1885. At a Union soldiers reunion, several years after the war, a favorite story was that of three soldiers trying to trap Bill. He then changed his name and moved to Wyoming. He only found out that Jim Jamison guided Quantrill while the Rangers were in Missouri. A spy gained his confidence and killed him with one of his own guns. He hired a shrewd lawyer and though found guilty, was one few spared from the hanging gallows at Fort Smith, Arkansas. "I hope that Dixie Highway reinforces the notion that the Outlaws still matter, and that southern rock will always matter," he says. Soon all of the soldiers dreaded going after Mr. Wilson. Some of these stories are probably false, while others could be true but lack any contemporary corroborating evidence. Nasario Alarid An New Mexico outlaw, he was finally captured and sentenced to 99 years in prison on September 17, 1906. Bill Wilson became known as "The Great Bushwacker" because he ambushed his many victims. David L. Anderson, aka William "Billy" Wilson, Buffalo Bill (1862-1918) - Most commonly known as "Billy Wilson," he was a member of Billy the Kid's Gang of rustlers. ?-1885) An outlaw and murderer, Apodaca was convicted of murdering the Nesmith family in White Sands, New Mexico. The movie portrays Native Americans and especially an old Cherokee man as very sympathetically and fellow renegades and free spirits, like Wales. Captain Dave Poole stayed in Sherman and became a successful rancher, spending a lot of his time brokering pardons for many of the Rangers. So ends the Great Bushwhacker Bill Wilson. There is usually a grain of truth to most legends and so it is with Josey Wales. The military acted in all capacities, including law enforcement, which caused considerable resentment throughout the state. A spy gained his confidence and killed him with one of his own guns. In 1954, the actor Douglas Kennedy played Longley in an episode of the syndicated western television series Stories of the Century. [10] However, he used a shotgun to kill both Wilson Anderson and William Lay, his only murders for which his weapon is definitely known. The Outlaw Josey Wales | Civil War Wiki | Fandom He sold his operation within less than a year but was paid in counterfeit bills. Wade Alsup A Texas outlaw, Alsup was lynched by 15 masked men in Blue, Texas, on June 27, 1877. Approximately one year later, deputy Matt Shelton confirmed the encounter. Stability eluded him again, however, when he became a rival, with Lay's nephew, for the affections of a young woman. 602 799 8214 Her father and mother had died, and the Wilsons could not afford to go anywhere except to the homes of various friends which they did for the following two years. His father, Sol Wilson, was a very well-to-do farmer who owned several slaves, but freed them before the Civil War. When the federal military reward was not forthcoming from state officials, however, Finney released Longley, possibly in exchange for a bribe from Longley's uncle, Alexander "Pres" Preston Longley, of California. Twenty-Seven Members of American Outlaw Association Motorcycle - FBI Bill Longley (gunfighter) - Wikipedia By Kathy Alexander/Legends of America, updated December 2021. Arnett was playing in a local saloon when confronted, but choosing to shoot it out, he was killed. Billy Wilson (Gechteter) - Billy Wilson (outlaw) - Aaron Wilson (18? Bill is related to Kerrie Jan Bloh . Longley claimed to have killed thirty-two people, mostly of African American heritage. By 1867, Texas was fully under the control of the Union due to the Reconstruction Act. There they shot him several times, robbed him, and buried him in a shallow grave. (The same book was later re-released by the publisher with a new name, "Gone to Texas," and that is the title that is credited in the movie credits.) This surprised attack was all the edge he needed. After the war, there was a $300 bounty on bushwhackers. ?-1889) Wanted for gunning down two men in July 1888 in the Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory; Allen was involved in a vicious gunfight with Deputy Marshal McAlester and his posse. They were taken to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D. C., where DNA tests were performed, along with a skull reconstruction. They ended up in a running gunfight with soldiers. At 62 tall and 185 pounds with black curly hair and bright blue eyes, Bill was a very striking man. This page was last edited on 6 September 2022, at 22:00. He and the others were tracked to a ranch house 40 miles away by a 12-man posse but they managed to escape. However, he escaped in 1884, and reverting to his real name, David L. Anderson, he returned to Texas, where he began ranching, married, and started a family in Sanderson. He was sent to prison but escaped and was later killed by a pursuing posse. William "Billy" Wilson - See David L. Anderson He was an uncle of President Harry Truman and had met Quantrill while a wagon master on the Santa Fe Trail. At the time of this writing, Ronnie Atnip was a twenty year member of the Fannin County Historical Commission, a hobby historian and member of the Bob Lee Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans in Bonham, Texas. ?-1889) An outlaw and alleged leader of the Missouri Bald Knobbers a gang of over 400 members. For more information go to:, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). One of the shots nicked the rope that was strangling Bill, and it ultimately snapped, saving the dying outlaw. Josey Wales was based on a real man and one that was reputedly as tough, violent and vengeful as Wales. James Wheeler New Mexico outlaw Wheeler shot and killed Adolph Davidson in Chance City, New Mexico in April 1886. Everyone believed that this was contrived to allow the Bushwhacker to change his name and avoid bounty hunters. Convicted of murder, he was sentenced to life in prison. He then rode up stream, crossed the river, came back down, and rode back and fourth to the river across from his original tracks. Red River Tom Whealington A New Mexico outlaw, Whealington was shot and killed with Dick Rogers while attempting to break a friend out of jail in Springer, New Mexico on March 13, 1885.